It has been such a joy to have the "Authentic Beauty" blog. A lot has changed since it was started. The most major development is that I got married and I'm now living in North Carolina with my adorable husband! Secondly, I received a certification in protocol and etiquette through The American School of Protocol just last spring. My new blog, "The Awkward Girl's Guide to (Almost) Everything," has an emphasis on etiquette but still touches on things of life, love, and faith. I hope to see you over at the new place!
I've been enjoying my studies in the book of Daniel of the Bible as of late. The Word of God really is rich with all sorts of wisdom, beautiful poetry, brilliant stories of God's providence, and captivating mysteries.
Several times in the book of Daniel, Daniel has been recognized as a man greatly loved of the Lord (and respected by great men/rulers). And it's no wonder! Listen to the way he petitioned the Lord, "...For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy..." (Daniel 9:18). So humble. And listen to this, "...Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that youset your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words." (Daniel 10:12). I highly suggest reading these verses in the proper contexts. In the latter verse I just wanted to highlight that if we ever wondered if the Lord hears the prayers and petitions of His people and takes action, here is the proof that He does. How encouraging!
I have been challenged by Daniel. He consistently prayed, sought the Lord, fasted, had faith in his God, and was very tender concerning his people and the things of the Lord. I hope that as I set my own heart to understand and humble myself before my God, that I could be a little like Daniel ("a man greatly loved" and heard by the Lord).
...what is pounding in your ears (a gateway to your mind and heart)?
A good friend and sister of mine had inspired me to go running to keep in shape. When first starting, my stamina was zero, thus running was quite a chore! So to motivate myself, like many runners, I decided I needed to load my ipod with energetic music to get myself pumped up. A lot of the mainstream music out today has some great beats to help you get moving, this is true; however, listening to the beats and not the messages proved impossible for me. As I tried it out, it didn't take long for me to realize that this was not healthy for me, especially when it came to keeping my eyes on the Prize (my Lord Jesus Christ). Ever since, I've been consistently on the hunt for some good tunes minus the relentless encouragement in debauchery. To my amazement, I've been pleased with my findings.
So, for many years it seems like a good bit (not all, mind you) of Christian music has been like the "off-brand" of music in general, as it has tried to capture the popular sounds of many secular artists, of course with a more wholesome message, but coming up short in talent, authenticity, and production quality. Today, however, with artists like Jimmy Needham and Tal & Acacia, I've been amazed at the originality and true talents that have come to the surface in the Christian music industry. Not only have I found artists that have produced quality music as far as sound goes, but that really have solid messages that minister to me daily. Like this song by sisters, Tal and Acacia:
Some upbeat artists to check out are Royal Tailor , Tal and Acacia, Beckah Shae, Group 1 Crew, Mary Mary, and Abandon. By the way, I do not fully endorse these artists' lifestyles (necessarily), but I do appreciate their quality musical artistry. Okay, onward! Here are some of the top songs on my jogging list:
The post ドローンが変える農業の未来:精...
An elephant, an owl, and a hedgehog.
They’re here! These brand new board books arrived filled with delightful
stories by Amy Parker and darling illustrations by my sister Breezy
Brookshire! Th...
Say Goodbye....
Just a few more days and this blog will be going away forever. BUT, I will
be moving lots of the posts over to my new site, Grace Full Mama.
So, if you ha...